New Resource for Legacy Management and Philanthropy

KunstWorks is glad to have participated in the research for Claudia J. Bach's recent article for Grantmakers in the Arts (GIA) "Virtuous Circles of Support: Artists Funding the Arts." It is a useful resource for developments in artist legacy management and philanthropy.

"How best can artists share wisdom, creative accomplishments, and assets in their final decades and shape what is to be left behind? Material works of visual art, musical scores, choreographic documentation, written manuscripts, media, and newly emerging forms as well as intellectual property and rights each present thorny legacy issues for artists to wrestle with. Additionally, an artist may wish to inspire, encourage, and support future artists or enable arts experiences for audiences," she writes.

And later: "Players outside the nonprofit sector are exploring estate planning and management for artists. The visual arts in particular, helped by a robust international art marketplace, have spurred new and emerging approaches. The Institute of Artists’ Estates was created in Berlin in 2016 with a related publication, The Artist’s Estate: A Handbook for Artists, Executors and Heirs. KunstWorks, a recent Bay Area consultancy, focuses on assistance for artists, their heirs, and contemporary art collectors regarding preservation and public impact."

Read the full article here.


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