"Preserving Artists’ Estates: A Professional Perspective" published in Art Journal
For the current issue of Art Journal, Alla Efimova was interviewed by Rachel Middleman about preserving artists' estates. The interview took place at KunstWorks in Berkeley, CA, on January 13, 2016. The text has been condensed and edited. The interview can be accessed here. An excerpt is below:
"Efimova: I realized that there is a national trend resulting from a generational shift: thousands of mid-century and postwar artists were dying, and there is absolutely no national infrastructure to deal with this. Museums and archives have fewer resources than ever, and there is no back-up plan for this material ... we have not yet admitted the fact that it’s really a generational problem of a national proportion and that we need to start building a case for dealing with it on a level of advocacy that goes beyond one artist at a time."